Thomas B., May 19, 2016
I’ve seen the term “Super Kitchens” bandied about in design articles recently and at first it makes one think about uber-fancy kitchen designs that you only see in architecture magazines. However, that’s not really what the term is referring to. It really refers to a much more homegrown kind of trend that refers to how […]
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Design: Successful Additions & Renovations Additions and renovations can wonderfully transform the way an entire part of a home works, feels and looks or they can just sit there looking conspicuous and clunky. A great remodeling project blends with the existing home but subtly enhances the whole. Of course there are instances where rules and […]
Read MoreThomas B., May 18, 2016
Sell or Remodel? Practical advice on the debate on selling versus remodeling Most people considering major additions or remodeling weigh the difference between staying in their home and remodeling to the alternative of selling their home and buying up. This home debate isn’t simple. I’ve had many conversations with clients over the years and want to share a few […]
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